naar lijst
- Auteur
- NVMO-commissie BOM
- Printdatum
- 15-06-2003
- E-pubdatum
- 14-04-2014
- Bron
- Medische Oncologie
Bisfosfonaten ter voorkoming van botmetastasen
Behandeling met intraveneus toegediend bisfosfonaat lijkt aangewezen bij patiënten met röntgenologisch aantoonbare of symptomatische botmetastasen van mammacarcinoom.
- www.utdol.com/application/topic
- Conte PF et al. ‘Delay in progression of bone metastases in breast cancer patients treated with intravenous pamidronate: results from a multinational randomized controlled trial’. J Clin Oncol 1996;14:2552-2559.
- Hortobagyi GN et al. ‘Long-term prevention of skeletal complications of metastatic breast cancer with pamidronate’. J Clin Oncol 1998;16:2038-44.
- Theriault. RL et al. ‘Pamidronate reduces skeletal morbidity with advanced breast cancer and lytic bone lesions: a randomized, placebo controlled trial’. J Clin Oncol 1999;17:846-854.
- Hultborn R et al. ‘Efficacy of pamidronate in breast cancer with bone metastases: a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study’. Anticancer Research 1999;19:3383. 6.
- Cochrane database systematic review 2002;(1):CD 3474.